August '23 Increment release notes


✨ Managing Tags

Introduced Operation level tag management in order to enable users to streamline data management.

Expanding on previous tagging functionality that enabled users categorization and filtering of data based on tags with which users can swiftly retrieve the exact information they’re looking for, we have added additional tools to manage the tags themselves.

This feature allows for grouping of related tags, setting precise filters for efficient data retrieval, and adding multiple tags with ease. To maintain an organized dataset, users can also edit, delete, or merge tags as the situation demands, solidifying this as a comprehensive solution for optimal tag management. @leon.cvrtila @marin.ladovic

DRP Tags

🔧 Improvements

  • 🚸 AIP sync sorted by SalesEffective date. For an improved overview of endorsements, the data in the AIP Sync tab is now sorted in descending order by SalesEffectiveDate. [.person-tag]#@luka.trdina#3

  • 🚸 Converted the "Show All Quarters" checkbox to a toggle switch for a more intuitive user interface. @luka.trdina

    Show All
  • 🐛 Fixed the issue where data for all quarters was displayed when the "Show All Quarters" option was selected. @leon.cvrtila

  • 🐛 Fixed an issue where triggered alerts were not appearing in the Alerts list. Now, when an alert is triggered, it’s promptly displayed in the list, and hovering over it will reveal the date it was activated. @luka.ferlez

  • 🐛 Fixed the export of DRP Sales Statistics. Now, selecting the 'Export' option will successfully download an Excel file. @luka.ferlez

  • 🐛 Fixed issues with the Endorsement Summary report

    • The Gross Indemnity Amount in the detail and summary PDF report wasn’t correct in some cases. Calculating logic has now changed, and Gross Indemnity is displayed correctly. @antonio.sumak

    • In the detailed report, the summary row sometimes overlapped with other endorsement details when a specific number of endorsements was displayed. This has been corrected, and the summary now consistently appears in its designated row without overlapping with other endorsement details. @antonio.sumak

  • 🐛 Hover effect issue fixed on SalesDate in coverage request details. Previously, the hover effect incorrectly displayed even without tags. Now, it only appears when tags are present. @antonio.sumak


🔧 Improvements

  • ✨ LRP endorsements now show an AIP badge to indicate those that are linked and continuously in sync with the AIP. This enhancement makes it easier for users to quickly identify such endorsements. @leon.cvrtila

    LRP Linked Endorsements
  • 🚸 Data in the AIP Sync tab are now sorted descending by SalesEffectiveDate to have a better overview of all endorsements. @luka.trdina

  • 🚸 Rearranged the order of Swine types for a more intuitive selection experience. @luka.trdina

    LRP Swine order
  • 🚸 Actual price label on Market Dynamics / Price Evolution Analysis is moved above the line. @luka.trdina

  • 🚸 Premium Quoter page was refreshed several times before displaying the last available prices. Now, the spinner is displayed until prices are loaded. @luka.trdina

  • 🚸 On the 'Request Coverage', 'Add', 'Edit', and 'Info' displays, the label "Actual Price" has been changed to "Forecasted/Actual Prices". This better represents the value displayed, as the Actual Price is shown only after the Endorsement concludes, until then, the Forecasted Actual Price is displayed.@leon.cvrtila

    LRP label for Actual price
  • 🗃️ From RY 2024, the Sales Closing time is changed from 9:00 AM CT to 8:25 AM CT. This change is displayed in LRP request coverage emails and when hovering over the Request Coverage Button on the Premium Quoter page. @luka.ferlez

  • 🐛 Fixed issues on Market Dynamics / Price Evolution Analysis

    • Wrong default for End Month / Year was displayed. The default is now 6 months from the current date. @leon.cvrtila

    • When the measure "Producer Premium" was selected, data on the chart and historical tables weren’t populating. The problem is now fixed, and data is displayed on the page. @luka.trdina

  • 🐛 Fixed issue of display of Date and Month in different time zones for:

    • Premium Quoter when "Compare with CME Puts" is selected - wrong display of CME Put Comparison Month @luka.trdina

    • Premium Quoter filter for Endorsement Lengths End Date @luka.trdina

    • Premium Quoter End Date display when option "All Endorsement Lengths" was selected

    • SalesEffectiveDate on Endorsement AIP Sync page @luka.trdina

  • 🐛 Fixed issue with Target Weight limits on Price Report Preferences. In certain scenarios, the set weight did not adhere to the designated limits. This has been corrected, ensuring the correct target weight limits are consistently applied across all scenarios. @luka.trdina


🗃️ Changes in RY 2024

Increased loading factor for LGM in RY 2024: Starting in July, the factor was adjusted from 1.03 to 1.0638. @luka.ferlez

System Wide

💥Validate unsubscribe email

@luka.ferlez, @luka.trdina

In order to prevent users from unsubscribing from forwarded emails, we have added a required check for the user to log in to LIA before unsubscribing. The system will verify if the user requesting to unsubscribe is the same as the user for which the email was intended. This will reduce unwanted unsubscribe.

Validation when unsubscribing

✨ Mark Primary Agent for notifications

@mladed.sasa, @luka.trdina, @leon.cvrtila

We’ve improved the flexibility in notification settings for non-operational alerts. Instead of defaulting to the first Admin Agent in the list, you can now designate an Admin Agent as the primary contact for these notifications by toggling "Yes." Remember, only one can be set as primary. If a new one is selected, the previous choice is de-selected. If no primary contact is chosen, the system continues to default to the first Admin Agent.

Primary Agent

🔧 Improvements

  • 🚸 We’ve streamlined the agent licensing process. The License tab was previously hidden when creating a new Agent because licenses could only be added after the agent’s creation in the LIA system. Now, licenses can be added during the Edit phase for existing agents, making the process smoother. @leon.cvrtila

  • 🚸 When matching policies and operations in AIP sync, the user couldn’t see the full drop-down with options and couldn’t scroll easily when the AIP window is small. This is now solved, and the dropdown is now visible. @luka.trdina

    AIP Sync dropdown
  • 🚸 We’ve enhanced the user experience with dropdowns by resolving unintended closures. A small gap between the dropdown and the selected input used to cause these closures, but now users can select options seamlessly without interruptions. @luka.trdina

  • 🐛 Fixed issue with displaying endorsements deleted by AIP in LIA. Previously, when AIP removed certain endorsements, they were registered as deleted in LIA but remained visible to the user. This has been addressed, ensuring endorsements flagged as deleted are now properly removed from LIA. @luka.ferlez

  • 🐛 Fixed issue with not displaying Tags in Coverage Request notification email. Previously, tags added during the coverage request creation weren’t shown when reviewing from the email. This has been addressed, ensuring tags are consistently displayed throughout the online binding process. @leon.cvrtila

  • 🎨 Unified number formatting options, in order to provide a more consistent user experience. @luka.trdina