May '24 Increment Release notes

System Wide

✨ Agent Signer Selection for Coverage Requests


We’ve implemented a new process to streamline coverage requests, allowing agents to delegate the signing task to another eligible agent. Now, when requesting coverage as an agent, you can select another eligible agent to act as the Agent Signer. The logged-in agent can still request the form from AIP and send it to DocuSign, even if they are not the selected Agent Signer. When requesting the form, the button is labeled "Request QCE/SCE PDF form." Only the agent designated as the Agent Signer will be able to sign the form. This update is applicable to both DRP and LRP.

✨ Editable Fields for Endorsements Connected to AIP


We’ve introduced the ability to modify endorsements connected to AIP, allowing changes to be saved if specific fields are updated. Endorsements bound with AIP can now be edited, with the following fields being changeable: Notes and Pen Identifier for LRP, Tags for LRP and DRP. This enhancement ensures greater flexibility and ease of use when managing endorsements.

✨ Upload of Certificate of Completion

@mislav.sirac, @marin.ladovic

Implemented Certificate of Completion (CoC) provision to AIPs for executed Coverage request forms based on preference. We configure AIPs needing CoCs and upload both CoCs and signed documents in a single archive to AIPs.

🔧 Improvements

  • 🚧 Fixed issue with SMS notifications. Now, notifications are sent once daily at 8 AM CT for the current sales date. They’re sent via SMS and triggered only for online binding operations. Producers receive notifications if they have unsigned endorsements, and agents are notified if endorsements are incomplete. Multiple notifications are consolidated, ensuring only one SMS is sent for multiple requests in process. @mislav.sirac


✨ Hedge ratio on the Request Coverage

@maja.pilipovic, @marin.ladovic

We’ve added an option for Head ratio when requesting DRP coverage request. By default, it will be collapsed. If there is no production data in the Data tab, the hedge ratio section will be disabled and show a note: "Production data missing for hedge ratio calculation."

Upon expanding this section, users can view available quotes, listed from lowest to highest. Options include toggling between Declared and Effective hedge ratios (Effective is default) and changing the Post Purchase Hedge Ratio. This option is enabled only for the selected quoter and milk classes, provided they are not mixed classes or components.

Users can enter any percentage, without a maximum value. The option is disabled if the quoter is unavailable or if there are identical Weighting Factors for the same milk class. Both Effective and Declared Covered Milk Production can be edited, with changes to one affecting the other.


🔧 Improvements

  • 🐛 Fixed the issue where, in the DRP insurance plan under Coverage requests, the same coverage request was duplicated and sent twice to AIP. Now, when the request is submitted, it is sent only once, preventing any duplicates. @marin.ladovic

  • 🐛 Fixed the issue on the Scenario Endorsement and Endorsement information window where the scenario endorsement calculation was inaccurate, causing overall discrepancies. Additionally, values no longer reset to zero. @marin.ladovic


✨ Production Groups Table in LRP Price Report

@maja.pilipovic, @mislav.sirac

We’ve introduced a new table in the LRP price report to enable users to track production groups and keyed-in endorsements. The table will be added to price reports when the operation has active defined groups. Groups will be divided into two sections: Cattle, which includes production groups for Fed and Feeder cattle commodities, and Swine, which includes production groups for Swine commodities. For each displayed group, users will see an offer with the highest net guarantee value available.

✨ Added "Net" to the Endorsement summary table

@martina.bosnjak, @marin.ladovic

We’ve implemented a new "Net" column in the LRP Active Endorsements summary table, replacing the "Total Cwts" column. The "Net" column label changes based on the selected value: "Net ($/cwt)", "Net ($/head)", or "Net ($)". The calculation for the "Net" column is Forecasted Indemnity minus Producer Premium, displaying negative values if applicable.

🔧 Improvements

  • 🐛 Fixed the issue where the header column for Cattle on the Production tab was incorrectly labeled. It now correctly reads "Target Live Weight (cwt)," consistent with the labeling used when adding or editing cattle groups. @marin.ladovic

  • 🐛 Fixed the issue where, in the Admin panel under Operations tab, the option to include/exclude from Management reports was incorrectly disabled when the operation had an LRP insurance plan set as default. Now, the Management Report option is enabled and remains functional without any conditions. @luka.trdina

LIA Mobile app for iOS


Exciting news for our mobile app users!

Dashboard for DRP and LRP

Now, users can enjoy a comprehensive dashboard experience tailored specifically for DRP and LRP. Access some basic information about Dairy Revenue Protection for the selected sales date, find useful links, and easily navigate to the latest Dairy Market Updates. For LRP, enjoy three dedicated pages - one for CME features, another for useful links, and a third page for the latest reports, providing valuable insights at your fingertips.



Separate Coverage Requests Tab

Managing Coverage requests is now even easier with our new separate tab dedicated exclusively to Coverage Requests. Plus, keep track of urgent requests with a badge indicator highlighting those that require immediate action.
