June '23 Increment release notes

System wide

✨Coverage Request overview

Credits: @leon.cvrtila @maja.pilipovic @ivana.kristo

A new page was added to enable users to see all Coverage requests in one place. This overview will help users keep track of everything currently in process regarding whether it is offline or online binding.

A new menu icon has been added:

Coverage Request

The new page consists of the following:

  • Filters

  • List of all coverage requests

  • Detail overview of selected endorsement

Filter "Action Required" will filter all request coverages from logged-in user that needs to be reviewed. This is set up as default, so the first thing the user will see are requests needing the user’s attention.

Coverage Request

Users can do all actions regarding some coverage request as they have on some specific operation. This will help them review all that is pending quicker, improving the time needed to finish some requests.

Data on the screen is refreshed every minute, so it is constantly updated with everything happening around requests.

✨ License number per State

Credits: @mladen.sasa @patrick.kossi @maja.pilipovic

The screen for Agent information is expanded to enable Agents to enter each license per State.

License is separated in the second tab under Insurance Agents, where they can add or remove licenses.


To add a new license per State user must:

  • Select State from the dropdown menu

  • Enter License Number

  • Click "+" icon to Add

  • If the License already exists and the user wants to remove it - click "-" to delete

License is stored/removed on the +/- option.


Licenses per state are applied to Contacts tab under DRP/LPR operation overview and on DRP Endorsement PDF report. License is pulled for the State in which Operation is, if there is no license for that States operation system will pull the first license he finds.

➕ Operation eligibility

Credits: @ivana.kristo

If an Agency uses Online Endorsement binding, the Agent must have a license entered from the state for which he requests coverage.

The display for operation eligibility is expanded to see which licenses he needs to have per Operation. Now it shows the Policy State Code for each insurance plan separately, and when hovering over it will display the full name of the state.

Operation Eligibility

🔧 Improvements

  • 🐛 When a user had operation set up as default to open when logged in to LIA, the application would show a blank screen when AIP Sync or Coverage Request tab was opened. Now this problem is fixed, and tabs are displaying data when opened. @ivana.kristo

  • 🐛 Fixed error message that was displaying when editing Agents’ account preferences as Admin Agent. @luka.ferlez

  • 🐛 Fixed issue with displaying wrong data on the AIP Sync tab when switching insurance plans using the menu option on the top of the screen. Now when the insurance plan is changed using this menu option, data are displayed correctly.

    Menu option for switching to another insurance plan
  • 🐛 When the user manually selects the option to send an LRP price report from his Account Preferences wrong tab is displayed selected after the action was done (report sent). Now this is fixed, and after the LRP price report is sent – the tab stays positioned on the LRP Price report tab. @marin.ladovic

  • 🐛 Wrong sum was displayed on Management reports for Effective Covered Milk Production when switching from the Declared / Effective option. Now the sum of Effective Covered Milk Production is correct when the switch is used. @marin.ladovic


✅ DRP Premium Calculations are changed for Reinsurance Year 2024. Premium is now calculated by Approved RMA PASS Calculation - 2024 Approved Appendix III/M-13 Handbook @luka.ferlez

🔧 Improvements

  • 🐛 When there were no prices for the component pricing option, and the user would request coverage, the system would allow to request coverage when it was changed from component to class and vice versa. Then the button for requesting was enabled even though it must be disabled. This problem is now fixed, and the request option is enabled only when all conditions are met. @ivana.kristo

  • 🐛 Solved problem with uploading .csv on the Data tab under Operation Overview. Now the .csv file can be uploaded without errors. @luka.ferlez

  • 🐛 When looking at the details of DRP endorsement, the option on the Indemnity Calculation tab to export to Excel wasn’t working. This is now resolved, and the user can export data. @ivana.kristo

    Export to Excel

PDF Endorsement report

  • 🐛 When the producer had many endorsements in the same quarter, endorsement details overlapped. Now, regardless of how many endorsements the producer has, data is displayed without overlapping. @marin.ladovic

  • 🚸 On the Endorsement page label "Hedge Ratio" is renamed to "Effective Hedge Ratio" so that user always knows which hedge ratio is displayed on the screen. The same label is applied to PDF reports on summary and detail view. @marin.ladovic

  • 🐛 Wrong Sales Effective Date was off by one day on detail and summary report when generated. This problem is now fixed, and the date display is correct. @marin.ladovic

Fixed issue with populating Endorsement signature on QCE form. @luka.ferlez


✨ County on LRP Endorsements

Credits: @marin.ladovic @ivana.kristo @luka.ferlez

When purchasing an Endorsement in the AIP, it’s necessary to select the county where the cattle are located. To make this process easier, we’ve added the option to select the county in all LRP screens, including when Requesting Coverage, adding Endorsements, editing Endorsements, and viewing Endorsement information.

The selection of the insurance plan for LRP is dependent on the State Policy Code received from AIP. If the operation is not matched, then it is based on the Operations state defined in the LIA application.


♻️ Add, Edit, and Endorsement info was refactored to use the same display everywhere where endorsements are used. Now the user sees the same display and design throughout the whole insurance plan. @ivana.kristo

🔧 Improvements

  • 🐛 Fixed issue with infinite spinner on Market Dynamics/Price Trends and Price Evolution Analysis. Now when the page is opened, data is automatically loaded. @marin.ladovic

  • 🐛 Fixed issue with the display of Producer Premium. It was displayed without subsidy applied, but this is now solved, and the Producer Premium amount is displayed with applied subsidy. @luka.ferlez

  • 🐛 Commodity code was displayed instead of commodity name on Price Report Preferences. Now this is solved, and the commodity name is displayed when adding or editing preferences. @ivana.kristo

  • 🐛 On Premium Quoter, when option "All endorsement lengths" was selected, the drop-down pulled each endorsement separately instead of keeping it grouped by all coverages in one endorsement length. @ivana.kristo

Endorsement binding process

  • 🐛 When the request was created from the Producer side, and Agents wanted to review it from email, the text box in which we have details about the Endorsement signer wasn’t editable when reviewing from email. Now this problem is fixed, and the Endorsement signer text is editable in all process stages. @leon.cvrtila

  • 🐛 When changes were made to the Coverage request, they were not applied automatically on the detail table of that same coverage request. When changes are saved, they are immediately displayed on the coverage request detail table. @ivana.kristo

  • 🐛 Fixed issue with rounding Total Producer Premium $/cwt on Request Coverage Summary. @leon.cvrtila

  • 🐛 When Endorsements were added through request coverage (Operation is not synced with AIP), they are now added to Active endorsements as soon as the Agent reviews and approves the request. @luka.ferlez


🔧 Improvements

  • 🐛 Fixed issue with populating Actual Gross Margin in What-if Analysis. @luka.ferlez