January '24 Increment Release notes

System Wide

✨ Matching LIA Agents with AIP data

@maja.pilipovic, @mislav.sirac, @marin.ladovic, @leon.cvrtila

We’re excited to introduce a new feature that allows matching LIA Agents with AIP data, facilitating the matching of agents with different emails when not automatically matched. Key features include an "AIP Sync" button under the Insurance Agents on Admin panel screen that will show the number of all unmatched agents. Overlay for matching agents has options to search data, sort data, match and unmatch agents. The option is visible to admin agents, global admins and when AIP sync is enabled on the agency level.


When opting to match with a proposed selection, users are presented with a confirmation prompt offering the choice to either cancel and exit without saving or confirm to establish a connection between the AIP agent and LIA agent.


✨ Binding E-mail sender update

Emails for online and offline binding now come from the Principal Contact email address, or default to support if not defined. Applied universally across all insurance plans for enhanced communication. @filip.cogelja

🔧 Improvements

  • 🐛 Fixed the issue where phone numbers were being formatted incorrectly in the Operation Overview and Contacts section. Previously, the agent number (208)598-1761 from the Admin panel was displayed as (120) 859-81761. With this fix, the correct formatting is now applied. @marin.ladovic


✨ Price Alerts

@maja.pilipovic, @mislav.sirac, @luka.trdina


We’ve implemented the Price Alert for LRP Insurance Plan. Users are able to set up Alerts when prices go down or go up from desired price range to request coverage. When defining an Alert, you can select date ranges, and view the latest prices within those ranges. Additionally, the system shows a trigger price higher than the latest, allowing users the flexibility to adjust it as needed.


Notifications are sent via SMS or email based on individual account preferences once the specified criteria are met.



🔧 Improvements

  • 🐛 Fixed the issue in the Basis Calculation tab in Active Endorsements, where the display now correctly showcases the three most recent years for display. @marin.ladovic, @filip.cogelja


✨ LGM Premium Official Calculation

@maja.pilipovic, @marin.ladovic, @filip.cogelja

We’ve implemented new methods for official price calculations, and update premium quoter and endorsement features on LGM. In order to enable more accurate price calculations, provide user flexibility in selecting price calculation methods, and insuring uninterrupted quoter functionality on non-price days. Also, we’ve implemented a switch component on the Premium Quoter, labeled "Estimated / Official." This intuitive feature allows users to effortlessly select their preferred price calculation method. By default, the switch is set to "Estimated," providing users the flexibility to change it based on data availability. We’ve adjusted the "Sales Date" picker functionality based on the selected price method.


🔧 Improvements

  • 🐛 We fixed multiple issues in the Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) summary data on the Endorsements page. This includes correcting the calculation of the hedge ratio on the chart, resolving problems with producer premium when switching to '$/cwt.', fixing inaccuracies in estimated prices for milk, corn, and soybean, and disabling column sorting on all tables. With these updates, the hedge ratio data, producer premium ($/cwt.), and estimated prices for milk, corn, and soybean are now correctly displayed. @marin.ladovic, @filip.cogelja

  • 🐛 We’ve fixed the issue where the hedge ratio line in the LGM Endorsement Summary Chart was misaligned, starting below the middle of the chart. The Y-axis alignment has been corrected, ensuring an accurate representation. @leon.cvrtila