February '23 Increment release notes

Dairy Revenue Protection

✨ Expired alert management

Market Dynamics "Alerts" feature has been improved in order to simplify management of expired or triggered alerts. Alerts for which prices are known, ie. quarter has finished and prices have been published, are as of now marked as "Expired". Such alerts are have either been triggered or will never be triggered as they will never meet the conditions. * filter of Expired/Active has been added added. The default selection is to show only Active alerts, ie. alerts that can be triggered. * expired alerts will be automatically deleted after 30 days from the expiration date.

DRP Alert filter

This will provide a cleaner and easier to manage alerts screen.

🔧 Improvements

  • 🐛 fixed issue with wrong default date in mobile application

  • 🐛 fixed issue with not loading operation preferences on request coverage and adding endorsements

  • 🐛 fixed issue with wrong dates for sales period od DRP Calendar overview

Livestock Revenue Protection

✨ Price Evolution Analysis

Price Evolution Analysis is a new page on Market Dynamics where user can see how prices evolve over time. This overview will help them to use when is the best time to buy coverage looking at historical data.

New page consists of:

  • Filters & Chart

    Price Evolution Analysis - Chart
  • Actual Price Forecast Comparison on Chart

    Price Evolution Analysis - Chart with Actual Forecast Comparison
  • Price overview

    Price Evolution Analysis - Price overview
  • Monthly average historical price overview

    Price Evolution Analysis - Historical monthly averages

🔧 Improvements

  • 🚸 Additional information is added to display if BFR/VFR subsidy is applied on Premium Quoter

    BFR/VFR subsidy
  • 🚸 Improved overview of LRP offers on Market Dynamics - not rows clearly indicates for which values difference is shown

    Price Trends on Market Dynamics overview
  • 🚸 Improved overview of LRP Price Trends chart

    • Minimum and maximum values are adapted to Actual price to show more dynamic graph

      Price Trends on Market Dynamics chart
    • Dashed line will now show if there is no data, and also when hovering over user will se that there is no data available for selected criteria.

      Price Trends on Market Dynamics chart
  • 🐛 Fixed LRP price report PDF not breaking nicely over pages, thus ending up with tables running multiple pages. Page breaks have been adjusted and will now correctly break the content to multiple pages.


✨ Editing of Agent preferences

Global and Agency administrators can now edit preferences for Agents in their Agency through the Agent administration screen. As usual they are required to obtain permission from the user in question before editing the preferences.

Edit Agent Account Preferences

✨ LRP AIP Policy linking

Introduced syncing of AIP policy data for LRP Insurance program. The agents can now match AIP LRP policies with operations in LIA in order to enable further down the line Endorsement Syncing & Online binding. * Agents can select the Insurance program for which they are performing the linking * The system will display potential matches as it does now, however it will filter the options down only to the respective Insurance programs * Counts and display of matches on Administration/Operations and Operation List have been updated as well This option is the first step toward LRP AIP Endorsement sync & binding.

LRP AIP sync endorsements

System wide

🔧 Improvements

  • 🚸 Improved display of message when user try to add producer / agent that already exists in another agency. Now system will show appropriate message instead of general error.

  • 🐛 Auto adjusted logo size in Emails so that they display correctly even with larger logos.


🔧 Improvements

  • 🐛 Fixed selection of Sales date which has been defaulting to 1/1/1970. This now respects the selection. A known issue is that when selecting dates in the future the App will crash this is under investigation.

  • 🐛 Fixed issue with display of endorsement summary chart, which did not show that last bar. Size has been adjusted to display all quarters correctly.