July '23 Increment release notes


✨ Endorsement tags

@marko.peranovic, @patrick.kossi, @marin.ladovic, @luka.ferlez, @maja.pilipovic

✨ Tags functionality added to Active endorsements, Coverage request tabs and Request coverage screen.

🔧 Improvements

  • 🐛 Fixed issue where the Sales close time in the Sales calendar was displayed as 12 midnight CT regardless of the actual closing time. @marin.ladovic

  • 🐛 Fixed issue where the user was not able to add Endorsements to operation scenarios for analysis. @luka.ferlez

  • 🐛 Fixed issue where "AIP" badge on the endorsements tab would not display when the endorsement has been linked with the AIP endorsement. @luka.ferlez

  • 🐛 Fixed issue where on the "Operations" list screen there was a incorrect display of number of pending endorsements to match. @luka.ferlez

  • 🐛 Fixed issue where the hedge and ratio where not calculated correctly on the Endorsement report. @marin.ladovic

  • 🐛 Fixed issue on Coverage request submission where an agent would be available for selection even though he/she is not eligible for binding. @leon.cvrtila


✨ Endorsement tags

@marko.peranovic, @patrick.kossi, @marin.ladovic, @luka.ferlez, @maja.pilipovic

✨ Tags functionality added to Active endorsements, Coverage request tabs and Request coverage screen.

✨ Enabled 20 endorsements in a single Coverage request

@leon.cvrtila, @maja.pilipovic

When submitting a coverage request the number of endorsements has been limited to 8 due to UI size constraints. We have introduced a change which allows the screen to accommodate up to 20 endorsements in a single coverage request.

Lrp endorsements

🔧 Improvements

  • 🐛 Fixed issue where on the Market Dynamics an error would be displayed on changing the Reference rage parameter. @marin.ladovic

  • 🐛 Fixed issue where the list of producers on the "Contacts" tab of the "Operation overview" would display the producers from the last operation viewed not the current one. @luka.ferlez

  • 🐛 Fixed issue with not respecting indemnity calculation rules, not rounded to 0 decimals with 1$ minimum, which caused the LIA endorsements not to match with AIP endorsements. @luka.ferlez

System wide

✨ Tags

@marko.peranovic, @patrick.kossi, @marin.ladovic, @luka.ferlez, @maja.pilipovic

Introduced ability to crete and assign tags to LRP & DRP endorsements through endorsements and coverage requests screens. The intent is to enable the organization of the data within the system to the producers liking in simple and intuitive way. The feature is composed of several pieces,

  • Tag types

    Tag types are groupings of tags on the Agency level. Examples of a tag type would be "Location" or "Industry". They are defined by Agency administrator and Agents through the Admin panel.

    Tag types
  • Tags

    Tags are individual markers defined for a particular Tag type on the Operation level. Examples of tags for Tag type "Location" could be "Barn North", "South pasture" and so on. They are defined by the Producer or an Agent on the Operation level when performing actions such as editing an endorsement or submitting a coverage request.

  • Tag assignment

    Tags are created and assigned on the screen where they are used, for example Edit endorsements.

    Add tag on endorsement
    Select tag
    Add tag
    Create tag
    Tag added
  • Tag filtering

    Once tags are assigned screens can be filtered according the selected tags.

    Unfiltered endorsements
    Select type
    Select tag
    Filtered endorsements

✨ Simplified license management screen

@patrick.kossi, @maja.pilipovic

Based on user feedback we have simplified the management of agent licenses on the License tab. The "Update" button has been removed and all controls are now row based in a way that is familiar from other such screens through the application.

  • License tab

    Existing licenses are disabled for modification, with new row based actions Edit ([pencil alt]) & Delete ([trash alt]). Create new license action is in the header row ([plus]).

  • Create new

    Upon clicking on the Create new icon an new row is added to the table enabled for editing with actions Save ([save]) & Cancel ([times]).

    Licenses Add
  • Edit existing

    Upon clicking on the Edit icon the row is enabled for editing with actions Save ([save]) & Cancel ([times]).

    Licenses Edit

🔧 Improvements

  • 🐛 Fixed an issue where Coverage request notification emails where sent only to agents eligible for binding. @luka.ferlez

    The issue caused a problem if the operation did not have eligible agents. In such a case no agent would receive the notification and the request would go unnoticed. The behavior was changed to determine the notification recipient in the following order.

    1. Eligible agents for that Insurance Plan & State that are set to receive notifications

    2. If none, Eligible agents for that Insurance Plan that are set to receive notifications

    3. If none, Eligible agents that are set to receive notifications

    4. if none agents that are set to receive notifications

    5. if none any agent linked to the operation

  • ♻️ Switched agent information population on the QCE/SCE from LIA to AIP, AIP’s are now responsible for filing in the Agent printed name and Agent license. @luka.ferlez

  • 🐛 Fixed issue where on the "AIP" tab in both DPR/LRP insurance programs the status, policy number and name of the matched AIP policy would be incorrect. @marin.ladovic

  • 🐛 Fixed issues on the "Coverage requests" screen

    • where various actions executed by the agents would fail to execute with an error. @luka.ferlez

    • the list of coverage requests would be incomplete after request review. @leon.cvrtila

    • where the filters would filter only the Coverage requests on the first page not subsequent pages. @leon.cvrtila

  • 🐛 Fixed issue on the "Coverage requests" tab in the endorsements screen where upon executing an action for a brief moment coverage requests from all operations would be visible. @luka.ferlez

  • ♻️ Change the title of the Coverage request - Requested email notification from "Coverage Request – SCE/QCE Form Requested" to "Coverage Request SCE/QCE form Requested" @luka.ferlez

  • 🔒️ Updated SSL certificate for year 2023/2024 @luka.ferlez